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Email: info@scxinmaidong.com

Telephone/we chat: +8619122326135   +8615178716480

Skype: +8615178716480

Address: No.2, Xindongmai Road, Zone2, Chengnan Town Industrial Park, Linshui County, Sichuan Province, China 638500

EG:The customer’s information is strictly confidential and will only be used for subsequent business contacts and will not be disclosed to others.

Your email will be sent to our Director’s email address and we promise to respond within one hour of our working hours!

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Contact us

Email : info@scxinmaidong.com

Telephone/We Chat: +8615178716480

Address: No.2, Xindongmai Road, Zone2, Chengnan Town Industrial Park, Linshui County, Sichuan Province, China 638500

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